Troy Williams would have prospered under Archie Miller.
It’s no secret that Tom Crean cared more about offense than defense. Every Tom Crean team at Indiana had the same turnover and defense issues which killed them time and time again. Archie Miller is the complete opposite. He arguably cares about defense too much, using lineups that can lock down the opposition but have almost no ability to score themselves.
If Troy Williams played for Archie Miller, Miller would have groomed him to be an elite defender. Williams has size and athleticism that NBA teams covet: a 6’7” wing with speed to hang with guards and strength to not get punished on switches down low. Williams was a less athletic, higher IQ, better offensive version of Justin Smith. Archie Miller was never able to coach up Smith’s offensive game, but Williams didn’t need offensive coaching — he needed defensive coaching.
Williams wouldn’t have a choice but to play defense under Archie Miller. He could slide by with not giving full effort under Tom Crean. He was just one face in a crowd of troubled defenders.
With Archie Miller, however, Williams would be put in the spotlight. His offensive game wouldn’t deteriorate, and Miller would force him to give maximum effort on the defensive end. He’d become the very prototype which is highest in demand in the NBA.
Instead, Williams jumped straight to the league and has never found any footing. I doubt he ever will, which is a shame. If he stayed for his senior season, I think things would have shaken out differently.
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