1. Will Sheehey poster versus Iowa
You may have guessed this one. The nastiest posterizing dunk in Indiana history tops our list, and rightfully so.
Will Sheehey catches the ball on the left wing with a choice. There’s one defender who is rotating over and placed in a precarious position between Sheehey and Verdell Jones. Jones is ready to shoot it, but instead of passing to his open teammate, Sheehey shot fakes and immediately rips low and goes to the rim.
The help defense rotates over and embraces the challenge of a charging Sheehey. However, Sheehey hop steps into the lane and rises over the top of the help defender with the speed and power of a freight train and slams it in right over his head. The defender turns and cowers midway through the process, conscious of his poor decision.
The sheer nastiness of this dunk speaks for itself, and even though it isn’t in a game with huge stakes like Oladipo’s, it is ferocious and undeniably cool. There’s a very long list of awesome dunks performed by Indiana Basketball players, but this one tops them all in my mind.
Want to see our list of IU’s best dunkers of all time? Check it out here (Hint: Oladipo gets some more love):
Keep an eye peeled for more top-five lists in the coming days. Think we missed something? Hit us up on Twitter (@Hoosierstofmind) or Facebook.